
Starbucks Reserve: Zambia Peaberry Terranova Estate

Mere weeks after I was gifted with a cup of Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, I went to one of only two Starbucks Reserve stores in Metro Manila to find that no, they were no longer serving that. They had run out of stock and probably for good. So goodbye, fruity coffee! I shall definitely miss your cherry-berry vibe. 

I consoled myself with a cup of the Zambia Peaberry Terranova Estate, which the barista informed me would have apple and vanilla notes. The good thing about getting your cup of coffee at the store is how the barista, oops!, "coffee master" basically puts on a show for you while pouring your cup. All while extolling the wonderful virtues of this coffee, the CM fitted the ceramic funnel with a filter, wet it with steaming hot water, measured out the ground coffee beans, and poured even more steaming hot water. The funnel was suspended above the ceramic cup by black wooden frame and you can see the coffee slowly dripping out, forming a beautiful dark pool. I don't know whether being dripped from a height makes much of a difference in the taste of the coffee but the smell wafting off the the steaming funnel and the cup nudged me towards the desserts. Apple and vanilla you say? Truly.

Hot water passes through the ground coffee beans and filter and drips down to the cup below. 
This coffee was really good. While I usually go for the darker Italian and French roasts, this was a very enjoyable, somewhat acidic medium roast. I think it might make a great Flat White. But with no properly prepped full cream milk on hand, I just had mine plain old black.

Apple scone the size of a fist.
To go with my black coffee, I had the apple scone—a choice which the CM approved. Buttery biscuit that's a bit on the sweet side mixed with apples baked in cinnamon and sugar. Basically, this is apple pie for people who enjoy the crust more than the filling. Like the CM said, it went very well with the coffee.   

Here's to the Zambia Peaberry. Do get it while you can. 

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